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TRIBIT Elektrotechnik+Informatik GmbH
Measuring and testing technology "Made in Germany"

- for industry, automotive, production -
- innovative turn-key-ready solutions out of ONE hand -​

​​- competence and know-how since 1997 -


industrial measuring & test systems,

products & modules

designed, engineered and produced by TRIBIT


Solution competence in electromechanics, embedded-electronics, application software, mechanics and design.


For applications in:

- production process

- manufacturing

- research and engineering

- laboratories

- quality service / QM-safety

- diagnostics

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Products and Solutions

Turn-key-ready products & solutions out of ONE hand – Made in Germany


About us

The success story of TRIBIT Elektrotechnik und Informatik GmbH starts in 1997 at the IRT (Industriepark Region Trier) in Foehren. In 2003 the company moves into the own, new constructed company building.


We are specialized in concept, engineering and manufacturing of industrial measuring & test systems, as well as products & assembled modules. With references in several markets as automotive supplier, machine building industry, industrial electronics and medical technics.


Our concept is: Turn-key-ready systems, products & solutions out of ONE hand – "Made in Germany".


TRIBIT supports customers and OEM-partners to build flexible, effective and sustainable equipment for efficient production and manufacturing plants.

You find us here



Elektrotechnik und Informatik GmbH

Jean-Monnet-Str. 3
E- 54343 Föhren

+49 6502 994770


Thanks very much!

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